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At de Ontmoeting, part of Stichting PCPO Capelle-krimpen (PCPO Foundation), we carefully deal with the privacy of our pupils. This is laid down in the privacy regulations of Stichting PCPO Capelle-Krimpen. The information about pupils is called personal data. We only use personal data if this is necessary for the learning and guidance of our pupils, and for the organisation that is required for this.

In our privacy statement you can read exactly what our school's objectives are for the registration of personal data. Most of the information we receive from parents (like when registering at our school). In addition, teachers and support staff of our school register data about our pupils, such as grades and progress. Sometimes special personal data is registered if this is necessary for the correct guidance of a pupil, such as medical data (e.g. dyslexia or ADHD). In connection with the identity of our school, we would like to register religion so that we can - if possible - take this into account during education but giving this information to the school is not compulsory.

The pupil data is stored in our (digital) administration system ParnasSys. The progress of the pupils is recorded in our pupil tracking system ParnasSys. These programs are secured and access to this data is limited to employees of our school. Because de Ontmoeting is part of the PCPO foundation, personal data is also shared within the framework of the joint administration and placement policy.

During the lessons we make use of several digital learning materials. This requires a limited set of personal data, for example to be able to identify a pupil when he or she logs in. We have made clear agreements with these suppliers about the data they receive from us. The supplier may only use the pupil data if we give permission to do so, in order to prevent misuse of that information by the supplier.

Parents have the right to access the data of and about their child(ren). If the data is not correct, the information must be corrected. If the data stored is no longer relevant to the school, you may ask for that specific data to be deleted. If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights, please contact the school director.

Within the PCPO foundation, we have drawn up a privacy statement based on our privacy regulations. This contains more information about the way in which we, as an organisation, handle personal data. This document also includes an overview of the suppliers with whom we exchange pupil data. You will find these privacy notes on the website of the PCPO foundation.

Questions about privacy?

Contact the principal first. Do you want to come into contact with the Data Protection Officer of the PCPO Foundation or report a (possible) data breach? Then send an e-mail to